Monday, April 20, 2009

Quake reveals ancient dwelling in Italy

The recent earthquake in Italy's central region of Abruzzo has unearthed a prehistoric human residence in the capital city of L'Aquila. According to the Italian daily La Stampa, the 6.3-magnitude quake revealed a number of vaulted caves as high as five meters. One of the biggest caves is found near L'Aquila's bus terminal and dates back to 15,000 years ago, Adnkronos International reported. "Some of the caves were hollowed out by the first shepherds to inhabit the area, who would also use them as shelters for their animals," said Antonio Moretti of L'Aquila University. While archeologists have been fascinated by the findings, geologists are concerned about the “fragility of the sediment on which the area is built.” The L'Aquila earthquake, which occured on March 6, 2009, destroyed and seriously damaged several thousand buildings in the city and its surrounding villages, killing 295 people and leaving 55,000 others homeless.


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