Friday, June 5, 2009

Israel: 4th-most-dangerous place on Earth

According to a new Global Peace Index (GPI), Israel is currently considered the fourth-most-violent place in the world. The GPI, a report prepared for the Australia-based Institute for Economics and Peace in conjunction with the Economist Intelligence Unit, ranks 144 countries in a league table of peacefulness, the Guardian reported Wednesday. Iraq was ranked the most violent country in the world followed by Afghanistan and Somalia. Israel, which was dubbed the third-most-violent place last year, is even more dangerous than Sudan which is one step less-violent than Israel. New Zealand was named the most peaceful nation on Earth -- a title held by Iceland last year. The ranking is compiled considering twenty-three factors including political stability, risk of terrorism, murder rate, likelihood of violent demonstrations, respect for human rights, internal conflicts, arms imports and involvement in foreign wars. Afghanistan and Iraq are still considered as the most dangerous countries in the world despite the US' promise to bring peace and security to both countries. Quite interestingly the United States, which considers itself to be the champion of peace, only managed to rank 83 -- Sixteen places behind Cuba which is accuse by Washington of violating human rights. According to the report, this year's results shows that the economic crisis had made the world a little less peaceful. The authors of the report say that this "appears to reflect the intensification of violent conflict in some countries and the effects of both the rapidly rising food and fuel prices early in 2008 and the dramatic global economic downturn in the final quarter of the year." Ten most peaceful: 1- New Zealand 2- Denmark 3- Norway 4- Iceland 5- Austria 6- Sweden 7- Japan 8- Canada 9-Finland, Slovenia Ten most violent: 1- Iraq 2- Afghanistan 3- Somalia 4- Israel 5- Sudan 6- Democratic Republic of Congo 7- Chad 8- Pakistan 9- Russia 10- Zimbabwe


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